RDA alignments

Alignment from RDA elements to MARC 21 Authority encodings

The alignment relates RDA elements and recording methods to encodings in the MARC 21 Authority format.

The alignment is maintained by the RDA/MARC 21 Alignment Task Force within the RSC Technical Working Group.

The complete alignment is too large to display on this page. This is a sample; please use a download to view the complete alignment.

This display of the alignment is in a tabular format.

RDA element RDA recording method Alignment M21 Authority encoding
abridger agent identifier aligns with 500 ** $0
abridger agent IRI aligns with 500 ** $1
abridger agent structured description aligns with 500 ** $a
abridger agent structured description aligns with 500 ** $b
abridger agent structured description aligns with 500 ** $c
abridger agent structured description aligns with 500 ** $d
abridger agent structured description aligns with 500 ** $g
abridger agent structured description aligns with 500 ** $q
abridger agent identifier aligns with 510 ** $0
abridger agent IRI aligns with 510 ** $1
abridger agent structured description aligns with 510 ** $a
abridger agent structured description aligns with 510 ** $b
abridger agent structured description aligns with 510 ** $g
abridger collective agent identifier aligns with 500 3* $0
abridger collective agent IRI aligns with 500 3* $1
abridger collective agent structured description aligns with 500 3* $a
abridger collective agent structured description aligns with 500 3* $b
abridger collective agent structured description aligns with 500 3* $c
abridger collective agent structured description aligns with 500 3* $d
abridger collective agent structured description aligns with 500 3* $g
abridger collective agent structured description aligns with 500 3* $q
abridger collective agent identifier aligns with 510 ** $0
abridger collective agent IRI aligns with 510 ** $1
abridger collective agent structured description aligns with 510 ** $a
abridger collective agent structured description aligns with 510 ** $b
abridger collective agent structured description aligns with 510 ** $g
abridger corporate body identifier aligns with 510 ** $0
abridger corporate body IRI aligns with 510 ** $1
abridger corporate body structured description aligns with 510 ** $a
abridger corporate body structured description aligns with 510 ** $b
abridger corporate body structured description aligns with 510 ** $g
abridger family identifier aligns with 500 3* $0
abridger family IRI aligns with 500 3* $1
abridger family structured description aligns with 500 3* $a
abridger family structured description aligns with 500 3* $b
abridger family structured description aligns with 500 3* $c
abridger family structured description aligns with 500 3* $d
abridger family structured description aligns with 500 3* $g
abridger family structured description aligns with 500 3* $q
abridger person identifier aligns with 500 0* $0
abridger person IRI aligns with 500 0* $1
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 0* $a
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 0* $b
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 0* $c
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 0* $d
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 0* $g
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 0* $q
abridger person identifier aligns with 500 1* $0
abridger person IRI aligns with 500 1* $1
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 1* $a
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 1* $b
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 1* $c
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 1* $d
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 1* $g
abridger person structured description aligns with 500 1* $q
absorbed corporate body identifier aligns with 510 ** $0
absorbed corporate body IRI aligns with 510 ** $1
absorbed corporate body structured description aligns with 510 ** $a
absorbed corporate body structured description aligns with 510 ** $b
absorbing corporate body identifier aligns with 510 ** $0
absorbing corporate body IRI aligns with 510 ** $1
absorbing corporate body structured description aligns with 510 ** $a
absorbing corporate body structured description aligns with 510 ** $b


The alignment is given in a comma-separated variable (csv) format.
