Audio disc (performed music) from Complete examples – bibliographic records
This example corresponds to Audio disc (performed music) from Complete examples - bibliographic records.
@prefix ex: <> . @prefix rdaa: <> . @prefix rdabm: <> . @prefix rdaco: <> . @prefix rdact: <> . @prefix rdae: <> . @prefix rdaef: <> . @prefix rdaft: <> . @prefix rdam: <> . @prefix rdami: <> . @prefix rdamt: <> . @prefix rdarm: <> . @prefix rdatr: <> . @prefix rdau: <> . @prefix rdaw: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix skos: <> . # # Example: Audio disc (performed music) from Complete examples – bibliographic records # 11 May 2016 # ex:A1 rdaa:P50103 "Tori Amos" ; rdaa:P50117 "Amos, Tori" . ex:E1 rdae:P20001 rdaco:1011 ; rdae:P20006 "English"@en ; rdae:P20025 ex:A1 ; rdae:P20219 "4:58, 4:06, 4:10, 4:26, 5:40, 3:12, 4:58, 3:12, 6:59, 4:38, 3:44, 6:51" ; rdae:P20231 ex:W1 . ex:M1 rdam:P30001 rdact:1004 ; rdam:P30001 rdact:1013 ; rdam:P30002 rdamt:1001 ; rdam:P30002 rdamt:1003 ; rdam:P30003 rdami:1001 ; rdam:P30004 "82358-2" ; rdam:P30007 "\u21171991" ; rdam:P30011 "[1991?]" ; rdam:P30088 "New York, New York" ; rdam:P30105 "Tori Amos" ; rdam:P30135 ex:W1 ; rdam:P30139 ex:E1 ; rdam:P30141 "" ; rdam:P30156 "Little earthquakes" ; rdam:P30169 "12 cm" ; rdam:P30176 "Atlantic" ; rdam:P30182 "1 audio disc"@en ; rdam:P30208 rdabm:1014. ex:W1 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Little earthquakes (Album)" . rdaw:P10053 ex:A1 ; rdaw:P10147 ex:W2 ; rdaw:P10147 ex:W3 ; rdaw:P10147 ex:W4 ; rdaw:P10147 ex:W5 ; rdaw:P10147 ex:W6 ; rdaw:P10147 ex:W7 ; rdaw:P10147 ex:W8 ; rdaw:P10147 ex:W9 ; rdaw:P10222 "Songs and instrumental music" . ex:W2 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Crucify" . ex:W3 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Girl" . ex:W4 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Silent all these years" . ex:W5 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Precious things" . ex:W6 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Winter" . ex:W7 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Happy phantom" . ex:W8 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. China" . ex:W9 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Leather" . ex:W10 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Mother" . ex:W11 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Tear in your hand" . ex:W12 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Me and a gun" . ex:W13 rdaw:P10002 "Amos, Tori. Little earthquakes (Song)" . rdabm:1014 skos:prefLabel "plastic"@en . rdaco:1011 skos:prefLabel "performed music"@en . rdact:1004 skos:prefLabel "audio disc"@en . rdact:1013 skos:prefLabel "computer disc"@en . rdami:1001 skos:prefLabel "single unit"@en . rdamt:1001 skos:prefLabel "audio"@en . rdamt:1003 skos:prefLabel "computer"@en .
This example is also used for the RDA Example: Audio disc (performed music) r-ball.
Note that variations in the RDF representations are intentional and are compatible with RDA guidance and instructions.