Examples that use RDA vocabularies

Audio disc (spoken word) from Complete examples – bibliographic records

This example corresponds to Audio disc (spoken word) from Complete examples - bibliographic records.

@prefix ex: <http://example.com/> .
@prefix rdaa: <http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/a/> .
@prefix rdaco: <http://rdaregistry.info/termList/RDAContentType/> .
@prefix rdact: <http://rdaregistry.info/termList/RDACarrierType/> .
@prefix rdae: <http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/e/> .
@prefix rdaef: <http://rdaregistry.info/termList/encFormat/> .
@prefix rdaft: <http://rdaregistry.info/termList/fileType/> .
@prefix rdam: <http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/m/> .
@prefix rdami: <http://rdaregistry.info/termList/ModeIssue/> .
@prefix rdamt: <http://rdaregistry.info/termList/RDAMediaType/> .
@prefix rdarm: <http://rdaregistry.info/termList/recMedium/> .
@prefix rdatr: <http://rdaregistry.info/termList/typeRec/> .
@prefix rdau: <http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/u/> .
@prefix rdaw: <http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
# Example: Audio disc (spoken word) from Complete examples – bibliographic records
# 11 May 2016
  rdaa:P50094 "Munro, Alice, 1931-" ;
  rdaa:P50103 "Alice Munro" ;
  rdaa:P50117 "Munro, Alice" ;
  rdaa:P50121 "1931" .
  rdaa:P50103 "Ruth Fraser" ;
  rdaa:P50117 "Fraser, Ruth" .
  rdaa:P50103 "Judy Mahbey" ;
  rdaa:P50117 "Mahbey, Judy" .
  rdaa:P50103 "Lawrie Seligman" ;
  rdaa:P50117 "Seligman, Lawrie" .
  rdaa:P50103 "Eric Wagers" ;
  rdaa:P50117 "Wagers, Eric" .
  rdae:P20001 rdaco:1013 ;
  rdae:P20006 "English"@en ;
  rdae:P20022 ex:A3 ;
  rdae:P20049 ex:A2 ;
  rdae:P20050 ex:A5 ;
  rdae:P20053 ex:A4 ;
  rdae:P20069 ""Born on the backwards 'Flats Road', Del Jordan is a nice girl' with big dreams in a small town that expects little from women beyond marriage and babies. In linked short stories, Del suffers embarrassment at the hands of her encyclopedia-selling mother, endures her body's insistent desires, and falls passionately in love with a young lumberyard worker, only to lose her chance of a university scholarship" - Container"@en ;
  rdae:P20219 "61:46" ;
  rdae:P20219 "62:09" ;
  rdae:P20219 "61:18" ;
  rdae:P20231 ex:W1 ;
  rdau:P60313 "Abridgement of the first print edition published by McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1971"@en .
  rdam:P30001 rdact:1004 ;
  rdam:P30001 rdact:1013 ;
  rdam:P30002 rdamt:1001 ;
  rdam:P30002 rdamt:1003 ;
  rdam:P30003 rdami:1002 ;
  rdam:P30004 "ISBD 0-86492-398-8" ;
  rdam:P30007 "\u00A92005" ;
  rdam:P30011 "[date of publication not identified]"@en ;
  rdam:P30018 rdaft:1001 ;
  rdam:P30088 "Fredericton, NB, Canada" ;
  rdam:P30096 rdaef:1007 ;
  rdam:P30105 "Alice Munro" ;
  rdam:P30105 "narrated by Judy Mahbey"@en ;
  rdam:P30105 "produced by Lawrie Seligman"@en ;
  rdam:P30105 "recording engineer: Eric Wagers"@en ;
  rdam:P30121 "by Ruth Fraser"@en ;
  rdam:P30133 "Abridged" ;
  rdam:P30135 ex:W1 ;
  rdam:P30139 ex:E1 ;
  rdam:P30141 "http://www.gooselane.com" ;
  rdam:P30156 "Lives of girls and women" ;
  rdam:P30160 "$29.95 (Canada)" ;
  rdam:P30160 "$24.95 (United States)" ;
  rdam:P30169 "12 cm" ;
  rdam:P30172 rdatr:1002  ;
  rdam:P30176 "BTC Audiobooks" ;
  rdam:P30182 "3 audio discs"@en ;
  rdam:P30206 rdarm:1003 ;
  rdau:P60313 "Originally broadcast on CBC Radio 1981"@en .
  rdaw:P10002 "Munro, Alice, 1931- . Lives of girls and women" ;
  rdaw:P10061 ex:A1 .
rdaco:1013 skos:prefLabel "spoken word"@en .
rdact:1004 skos:prefLabel "audio disc"@en .
rdact:1013 skos:prefLabel "computer disc"@en .
rdaef:1007 skos:prefLabel "CD audio"@en .
rdaft:1001 skos:prefLabel "audio file"@en .
rdami:1002 skos:prefLabel "multipart monograph"@en .
rdamt:1001 skos:prefLabel "audio"@en .
rdamt:1003 skos:prefLabel "computer"@en .
rdarm:1003 skos:prefLabel "optical"@en .
rdatr:1002 skos:prefLabel "digital"@en .


This example is also used for the RDA Example: Audio disc (spoken word) r-ball.

Note that variations in the RDF representations are intentional and are compatible with RDA guidance and instructions.