RDA alignments

Alignment from ISBD content form compounds to RDA/ONIX Framework

The alignment relates compound statements based on the ISBD Content Form value vocabulary to the RDA/ONIX Framework element set and value vocabularies.

This display of the alignment is in a tabular format.

ISBD Compound Label ROF Character ROF Sensory Mode ROF Image Dimensionality ROF Image Movement
image (moving ; 2-dimensional ; visual) image sight two-dimensional moving
image (moving ; 3-dimensional ; visual) image sight three-dimensional moving
image (still ; 2-dimensional ; tactile) image touch two-dimensional still
image (still ; 2-dimensional ; visual image sight two-dimensional still
image (still ; 3-dimensional; visual) image sight three-dimensional still
movement (notated ; tactile) other touch not applicable not applicable
movement (notated ; visual) other sight not applicable not applicable
music (notated ; tactile) music touch not applicable not applicable
music (notated ; visual) music sight not applicable not applicable
music (performed) music hearing not applicable not applicable
object (tactile) image touch three-dimensional still
text (tactile) language touch not applicable not applicable
text (visual) language sight not applicable not applicable


The alignment is given in a comma-separated variable (csv) format.

See also Alignment from ISBD content forms to RDA/ONIX Framework